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1.2 - Network Access

Updated: 7/12/2024

All COAH students have OUHS domain accounts and therefore have access to a variety of campus computing resources. 


Students can connect to OU-GUEST or @OUWIFI with their OUHSC credentials. 

What HSC applications require two-factor authentication?

  • Student self-service access from off-campus. Students can connect to OU Guest after accepting an online user agreement or WiFi@OU with HSC credentials
  • VPN (
  • Virtual Desktop (Mydesk).

How does two-factor authentication work?

Once you've enrolled in OUHSC’s two-factor authentication system, you will log in to protected applications with your HSC User ID and password. If you are off-campus (or on campus for some services), you will be prompted to request authentication to the smartphone or tablet. Approve the login from the smartphone or tablet, and the webpage on your computer will automatically refresh to the location you are attempting to reach.

We currently have two two-factor authentication apps that are necessary to be registered with:

What is considered off-campus?

Off-campus would include your home internet connection, public internet locations, or cellular data connectivity regardless of physical location. Only dedicated HSC wired and wireless networks are considered to be on-campus for two-factor authentication.

Student Virtual Desktop –

Your instructor or coordinator will instruct you when you need to use this service. This service allows you to access secure resources usually used in clinical rotations or when other special software your degree program may require.

Student Virtual Desktop Sign Up.

For help, check out the MyDesk Knowledge Base Article and VDI Solution

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