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1.3 - E-mail

The University’s electronic mail system allows faculty, staff and students to write, send and receive email communications.  The email system is owned by the University and maintained to facilitate business communications.  Students should keep in mind that personal views, opinions, and philosophies expressed in personal email should be identified as such to avoid the perception they are speaking on behalf of the University.  It is not proper use of general or mass mailings to send messages with content that is political, religious, commercial, chain letters, hoaxes, editorials, poetry, etc…. for example, just as it is prohibited for a University employee or student to use University facilities, equipment or letterhead to engage in political activities, it is equally improper and strictly prohibited to use the campus email system for political purposes.  Communication of unauthorized, confidential or copyrighted material is also strictly prohibited without prior approval. For additional information please review the document entitled "Acceptable Use of Information Systems at The University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center" located here.

*** It is not permitted to auto-forward your OUHSC email address to your personal private email.

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